Sunday, November 19, 2017

Reduction Linocut

I am beginning my first reduction linocut, also know as a "suicide" linocut. This is because you are cutting away the image in stages, after each cut you print for one color, and you do that for each color until the end when all your linoleum is cut away. This means you can't go back and make any changes to your print once you are done printing.

Week 1: First I started out with my idea for my image, then I planned out all the colors I wanted to have in my image

The next step was to transfer the image onto the linoleum with carbon paper, I outlined the image with sharpie so I could see where to cut. I then began to cut away areas of the image that I want WHITE, because my first color layer I will be printing is yellow.

Week 2- Cutting away more of the image, I still have some cutting to do in the waves and the background. Most of the image will have dark blue outlines, and the darkest color will be the last color that I print. I print from light to dark, because lighters colors will not show up on top of darker colors.